With the onset of Covid and seeing the end to what was the norm was somewhat troubling as a Wedding Photographer. Luckily, the years of experience I have had both as an Educator and Photographer forged my mindset to exploit new adventures that I would not otherwise entertain in the “normal” world. I decided to incorporate my photography skills, my ideas of teacher lesson plans into workshops last year and have been blessed with some amazing people attending my workshops. A great way to get access to experience is to collaborate with other photographers and models and do a TFP workshop. TFP is a "Trade For Print" scenario. Meanwhile, photographing models is a lot different than photographing Brides. Usually, as I photograph a wedding, it incorporates mixing available lighting with flash lighting. Photographing Models outdoors is often a combination of this but sometimes we use “High Key” lighting too but often I mix sunlight with flash lighting. With Indoor Photography, you have the opportunity to “Sculpt”
lighting to create defined areas of lighting and distinctive shadows. These workshops are not done without thought or a spontaneous setup throwing lights wherever! Every scene, regardless if it is even a simple backdrop, is rehearsed and explored with lights prior to the model even arriving. It is flattering when your own colleagues come back for more workshops and indicate they have learned something that they can walk away and implement in the real world. Even more inspiring is the fact the same subject, with the same model and the same lighting can look so different from photographer to photographer. The creative eye of others inspires me to look beyond the lens. Below is a picture I really love for it exhibits the female body in a clean artistic fashion. Art is subjective, but this one stands out as an eye catcher and even a photographer with many years experience, I too smile when something like this is captured.