Model: Chantelle Boucher
Magazine: Biz and Fashion Magazine
Magazine It is a pretty good feeling to be published as a photographer. A few things happen emotionally when you hear the news. The first reaction is “WOW” I have published! There is a sense of pride in acknowledging a magazine has selected your visual art to be portrayed amongst the masses in either print or digital form. Secondly is the immediate rush to see what picture or pictures have been selected. It’s interesting to compare your interpretation of the photos that you think will be submitted to the editors choice. In my experience, the pictures are a pretty close reflection to what I thought. But this doesn’t happen all the time. Sometimes I have been shocked at the selected choice for a magazine. Obviously, the Editor of a magazine will have a vision of the theme of their magazine for that particular publication. So unless you are on the same page, it would be hard to interpret the end res
ult. Thirdly is the hmmm,...”how did they edit that”? Sometimes the editing job is so amazing with the 3 dimensional lettering and vibrant backgrounds. For the most part, there are touch up programs out there to soften skin, whiten teeth and eyes and reshape parts of the human body. For the most part that is accessible for all but the fine tuning is sometimes in another league. After all , as a photographer, nailing the image with the proper lighting is one thing but the art of artistic editing is another. Editors these days have an extensive background with graphic design and the programs from just 5 years ago are quite antiquated in comparison to today's technology. Manipulation of the backgrounds, foreground, lighting and lettering surrounding the image(s) can be breathtaking. So both professions are capable of producing their masterpiece on the image that is set before them. One in real life and the other in digital format. In conclusion, being Published is quite a compliment and really achievable. Does it qualify one as a bonafide photographer? Well, I will let every photographer answer that question for themselves. As for myself, flattering but not at all necessary to validate my talents. When I create an image, I feel truly gratified the end result is very close to the vision that I have created.