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Wedding at the RBG with Jennifer and Dave The Wedding of Dave and Jennifer happened in the last week of February this year. We really got luck with the weather as it was a clear cool day without aggressive winds. It is the winds that really dictate the photos being outdoor on a Wedding Day. Imagine dresses and hair blowing violently during your photoshoot. That’s a photographer's challenge with every wedding. As mentioned, we were blessed with a sunny sky and an opportunity to capture some great images at the RBG and Ancaster Mill.

Although the numbers were lower due to covid, there was no shortage of support and love by the folks who attended the ceremony! Such a lovely couple who carried on their dreams through their wedding vows. For some of these photos, I was using the sunlight as a second source of light, specifically as a backlight and sidelight along with my Godox AD600 to illuminate the subjects.

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We have recently explored using gels with our photography both at night and during the day. One of the beautiful options with this concept is the variety of pictures that one can create for their portfolio. Using gels, add a dimension that totally enhances the wedding photography portfolio.

We used gels in the past on soft-boxes as we tapped transparent colours onto the light source, placed the soft-box back onto the flash unit and fired away. With newer technology, this approach becomes easier and more doable especially in a wedding scenario.

One of my favourite photos is this lovely Bride and Groom standing in the middle of the banquet hall during the dinner hour. The Banquet facility had a beautiful chandelier in the middle of the dance floor but all the lights were on during the dinner hour.

Flash photography not only emits light but it when used wisely, it can also eliminate light too. Using a higher shutter speed, you can reduce the ambient light and just have the brightest light exposed (e.g. chandelier-see below). The next step in this process was to illuminate only the Bride and Groom. My assistant held a flash unit over the Bride and Groom to precisely illuminate them.

The result is a dramatic photograph during the supper hour. Using a high shutter speed, all ambient light was reduced and the image was illuminated capturing the lovely chandelier and the Bride and Groom.

Using this concept of illuminating the bride and groom was adapted by throwing a coloured gel into the background. For the next photo we blasted a purple gel using a AD200 flash from Godox. This powerful flash illuminated a nice magenta backdrop while another flash illuminated the bride and groom. This photo was taken at Spencers on the Water in Burlington, ON. This was the last photo taken in the evening as guests departed. The enthusiastic bride and handsome groom kindly gave me one more the night's end and it definitely is a keeper!

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Regardless of your political beliefs, I feel it is truly an honour when you can take your skills and have the opportunity to Photograph the Political Leader of your Country! A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege of photographing the Prime Minister of Canada, Mr. Justin Trudeau. I have had so many people text me about having this opportunity and I want to thank them for their support and words of encouragement. Yes, I did have some jitters and funny enough people have asked for copies of some pictures too! Aside from his title, photographing any Key Note Speaker is something that requires quick adjusting and improvising the best possible scenarios. Although it was the Prime Minister, I focused on the job as I have done in the past. I was photographing the Key Note Speaker. Just in this case it was the PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA!

Celebrating Ramadan
Prime Minister of Canada speaking in Milton Ontario

No Staging

Much like event photography you are working with the elements of the environment. Due to security and restrictions, photographers were asked to stay near a designated platform to capture the Prime Minister speaking at an event. Coming prepared is key! I was equipped with three different cameras and lenses on each camera to make the transition of focal lengths as easy as possible. Over the years, I have collected a few lenses that makes photographing this type of event very doable. We have photographed many corporate events over the years and my favourite lens still remains to be the Nikon 70-200mm 2.8 lens. Opening up the aperture with a balance of my Nikon sb900 flash was perfect. The form had a stage crew lighting which I had to adjust with. In some photos, I used a ½ CTO gel in my flash to warm up the subject while using the 70-200mm.

Nikon 70-200mm lens....Very Sharp

While the Prime Minister was mobile, I switched to the 24-70mm lens and had the opportunity to also use a fisheye lens when he was standing 3 feet below me as we were elevated on the platform.

Candid moments with Canada's Prime Minister

Candid Photography has its merits during any event and adds a beautiful dimension to one’s portfolio.

Wide Angle Perspective of the Prime Minister

One lens that I do not own in my arsenal is the Tamron 15-30mm G2 lens. I hummed over this lens for the past few months and at the time, I did not have this for this event. Could have I used it? I think it would have been great when the Prime Minister was standing within proximity to display the entourage surrounding him and I also I would have also used it in the photo above. I do feel the 24mm lens provides a good flavour of the environment, however a wider perspective would have provided more information to the viewer such as the capacity of the room. I settled last week on the Tamron 15-30mm G1. Although the G2 has better focusing and end to end clarity, the G1 will be more than sufficient for Real Estate Photography and Wedding Photography. I will have a display of photos with this lens at a later date.

Justin Trudeau

Put aside Politics for one minute as I like to speak to you about how kind this individual is. While photographing the Prime Minister there was a transition where he was talking to others and celebrating the importance of Diversity. Engaging and dialoguing with everyday people is what creates a “One of Us” mentality. While the media is quick to point out everybody’s shortcomings this day and age I would like to share something far greater than what you read or hear about. This is a Genuine Leader who really does care. He was celebrating Ramadan and promoting the diversity of our Canadian Culture. Taking time out and promoting diversity and accepting diversity means we educate ourselves on diversity. Having a Prime Minister who takes the time to share in cultural events is an asset for all of Canada and the World. Kudos to the positive message.

Promoting Diversity and Knowledge. One Canada with Many People!


Wedding Photography, Commercial Photography are wonderful things to have in one’s Portfolio. As a small Business owner, I have photographed the Prime Minister on two occasions. This has been a fantastic experience! I encourage Photographers to assert and photograph the things they love. Your passion will be transparent with your photography. It could be a band that you admire, a speaker that you admire, a product that you use, dogs in the park, etc. Photography is my art. After 25 years my skills have vastly improved and I am privileged to have had this opportunity and to share my story with you.
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